Is animal fat used in the products ?

– No, Only vegetable fat is used in making our pastry

Are these products halal ?

– Yes. We use only vegetable fat. Our chicken and sausage meat are halal.

Are there any additives or preservatives in any of the products ?

– We do not use any additives or preservatives.

Do you have to thaw the products prior to baking ?

– Thaw for approximately 30 minutes prior to baking.

Can you place the products in the oven and then switch the oven on ?

– Oven has to be pre-heated. Until the required heat is reached do not put the pastry to bake.

What is the ideal oven temperature ?

– Ideal oven temperature is Gas mark 6, 180/200C or 375F.

Why does the vol-au-vent topple when baked?

– While in oven and half baked gently press the vol-au-vent down with a spatula.